The Gucci Blackface Balaclava Highlights What’s Wrong with Outrage Culture

outrage culture social justice warrior

I came across a shared article from a good friend on Facebook. Gucci had a balaclava that looked like blackface. People were upset. It’s racist. A famous black rapper called for a boycott of Gucci. Welcome to the age of outrage culture and social justice warriors. It started as political correctness For me, it all… Read more The Gucci Blackface Balaclava Highlights What’s Wrong with Outrage Culture

How to Make Tasteful Jokes About Race / Why “Ching Chong” is Racist

This is an off-topic article, but it’s an important idea that has been in my mind for many years. I write this as an Asian American who likes comedy, but understands that comedy can sometimes be very foul and offensive. The line between what is offensive and chiding is gray, but there is definitely one… Read more How to Make Tasteful Jokes About Race / Why “Ching Chong” is Racist

Hacked WordPress: “Vuln!! Path it now!!” and How I Fixed It (Forensic Investigation)

This entry is regarding a very, very persistent and pesky WordPress hack I experienced in February 2019, which is identified by “Vuln!! Path it now!!” inserted into an article while other articles were overwritten with links to illegal streams for recent movies like Hell Boy, The Green Book, and Marvel Girl. Summary of the Solution… Read more Hacked WordPress: “Vuln!! Path it now!!” and How I Fixed It (Forensic Investigation)

I was Rejected By Amazon Plus Tips for the On-Site Interview

In January 2019, I was flown up to Seattle from Honolulu and spent a couple days there for an interview. I ultimately did not pass the interview, but I wanted to share my experience and give any tips to others undergoing the same process. Note: I did sign a non-disclosure, so I can’t share anything… Read more I was Rejected By Amazon Plus Tips for the On-Site Interview